Sunday, November 21, 2010

Survivor Series 2010 Results - John Cena Fired

Below are the results of Survivor Series 2010.
  • Randy Orton beat Wade Barret, John Cena is fired.
  • Kane Vs Edge ends in a draw
  • Daniel Bryan beat Ted DiBiase
  • Dolph Ziggler beat Kaval
  • Team Mysterio beat Team Del Rio
  • Justin Gabriel and Heath Slater beat Santino Marella and Vladimir Kozlov
  • John Morrison beat Sheamus
  • Natalya beat Laycool, becomes new Divas Champion.
John Cena proved his integrity at Survivor Series and refereed the match fair and square. Cena denied R Truth's offer to interfere in the match to favor John Cena. Randy Orton looked like he had a new found respect for John Cena. Cena is, for now, fired and RandyOrton is still WWE Champion.

1 comment:

  1. John Cena is an honorable man and did the right thing last night. Don't understand how the WWE could let their biggest marketable wrestler go just like that. Wade Barrett lost NXT rookie and attacked many members of WWE and he was given a contract after all. WWE has to do the right thing and bring John Cena back. No excuses . Just do the right thing . Raw without John will never be the same.
