Sunday, September 5, 2010

The Essence of Kane Vs The Undertaker

Apr 09, 2009 - Houston, Texas, United States - Reliant Stadium - WWE Superstar THE UNDERTAKER enters the ring for his match with Shawn Michaels. The Undertaker won his match, improving his streak to 17-0. More than 73,000 fans viewed Wrestlemania 25 live Photo via Newscom

When it was revealed that the person behind the attack of the Undertaker was Kane and the signs of another Kane Vs The Undertaker began to show, most people were skeptical. They thought this is being done only to retain the interest some fans show for the second-best show (or is it the third-best?) Smackdown. However, as the storyline unfolds, it is clear that the rivalry between Kane and the Undertaker is much more than just a technique to get more viewership.

The rivalry is about change, it is about reality, it is about mortality. Most importantly, the rivalry would be about passing the baton. Everybody loves the Undertaker and know without doubt that it is the Deadman that represents the WWE at its highest level. However, we should also realise that there is no stopping age. Today or tommorrow, the Undertaker will retire from wrestling.

He still can continue to entertain the fans by being a General Manager or playing similar roles, but his retirement from in-ring performance can be expected soon. And, Kane would be the closest person to replace the Undertaker. And what a way to do that! This will also do a lot of good to the talented Big Red Monster whose character of late has been switching between a babyface and a heel nobody wanted to hate (Is he still one?).

Who looks the succesful man in a rivalry is often the man who wins the last match in the rivalry. However, the real winner is the one who is dominant during the rivalry. He is the one who gets the push, he is the one who is carving out a future. We cannot say who'd win the final match between Kane and the Undertaker, but it certainly looks like Kane will dominate this rivalry. In other words, let's get ready for the new "devil's favorite demon".

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