Monday, November 14, 2011

WWE Raw Results: The Rock, Mick Foley Return

On this speciazl edition of WWE Raw, The Rock was the special guest host. Monday Night Raw opens with Michael Cole. Finally, it is time for the Michael Cole Challenge. Michael Cole says that there will be three challenges. If JR wins in all the three, Cole will quits his job. The first challenge is an arm wrestling contest. JR beats Cole in no time! The second challenge is a dance off where both the contestants dance and the crowd gets to pick the winner. Michael Cole danced better, but the crowd made JR the winner.The final challenge is a who-weighs-less. JR weighs 9 pounds more than Cole and oses. CM Punk comes out to put an end to this nonsense. CM Punk and Michael Cole exchange words.

Out comes John Laurinaitis who announces CM Punk and Big Show Vs Mark Henry and Alberto Del Rio tag tean match. Michael Cole demands an apology from CM Punk, but ends up getting a headbutt and an Anaconda Vice.

Cody Rhodes and Hunico beat Sin Cara and Kofi Kingston. Evan Bourne was nowhere to be seen!!

The Rock is spotted entering the building as Zack Ryder goes about getting people to sign petitions for his US Title match.

Two major announcements are made. Christain is injured and will not be performing at Survivor Series. Dolph Ziggler would replace Christain. Ziggler wants the team to be renamed as Team Ziggler. Michael Cole is planning to sue CM Punk with the help of David Otunga.

Mason Ryan wins against Dolph Ziggler via disqualification as Vickie Guerrero slaps Ryan during the match. Mason Ryan takes out Dolph Ziggler.

Mick Foley is seen backstage. Zack Ryder asks Mick Foley to sign the petition. Mick Foley comes out to the ring to a huge pop. After a brief intro talk, Foley introduces John Cena. There were three more guests for this segment - Will Gray , Bull Buchanan, and John Cena's father Cena Sr. John Cena's father played heel and went on to say that the fans suck in response to "Cena Suck" chants. Let's wait and see to find out if this is a hint of  John Cena turning heel. Before Mick Foley could introduce more guests, The Rock comes out and hits the Rock Bottom on Mick Foley and leaves the ring.

Sheamus defeats Jack Swagger, Kelly Kelly defeats Natalya.

John Laurinaitis is on the phone with Broduc Clay saying that his debut has been postponed because it would be overshadowed by The Rock's presence. CM Punk is attacked from behind by Alberto Del Rio - again.

Alberto Del Rio and Mark Henry defeats CM Punk and The Big Show.

Satino is in the ring talking about The Royal Rumble. Kevin Nash comes out, asks Santino to do the trombone and delivers a big boot to the face. Kevin Nash then delivers a Jackknife.

Wade Barrett Vs Randy Orton. Cody Rhodes interferes in the match. Everyone in the traditional Survivor Series match come out and there is chaos. In the end, Team Orton stands tall.

FINALLY, The Rock comes out and talks to the excited crowd only to be interrupted by The Miz and R-Truth. Exchange of words. John Cena comes out. Exchange of words. The Rock and John Cena take a dig at each other saying what will be trending on Twitter. The Rock hits The Rock Bottom on R-Truth. John Cena tries to AA The MIz, but The Miz escapes only to be hit by the Rock Bottom. The Rock walks up the ramp and shows the "You can't see me" .

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