Sunday, June 6, 2010

The Predator's Predator

The Undertaker has been, for the most part of his career a predator, a bully, and the master of mind games. Last week on Smackdown, however, the WWE Universe came to know that the predator is now a victim. The question, obviously, on everyone's mind is, "Who did this?"

Naturally, the participants of the four-way-fatal match for the World Heavyweight Championship are the first suspects. It could be Jack Swagger who doesn't want to lose the fame and money the gold is giving him. It might be CM Punk and his Straight Edge Society. The SES is said to have several members. The Undertaker could have been attacked by a gang.

The Big Show is a fans' favourite now and people would like to believe that he is not behind the attack. Also, consudering his size and strength, if the Big Show wanted to attach the Undertaker, he could do it in the ring when the whole world is watching.

Kane, though not a participant in the championship match at Fatal Four Way, is also being suspected by several members of the WWE Universe. Kane's attack might have been a result of jealousy. Kane might also have done it just for the dark pleasure he derives from torturing others. The Big Red Machine could be acting emotional and searching for the culprit only to evade suspicion.

There is one more very interesting scenario. Rey Mysterio is the final participant in the four-way-fatal match. Could Rey have attacked the Undertaker? Rey Mysterio is a great wrestler, a passionate competitor, and an unbelievably intelligent man. His size compells us to believe he is an underdog. We will have to wait and see if it was Rey who attacked the Undertaker. If so, tt would be nothing short of historic. It would arguably be the rarest moment in the WWE - the biggest bully falling prey to the biggest underdog.

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